Support tinder wall. The next picture is given a rustic support that can be used as support for an all too or various decorative objects. Construction of this product is fairly simple craft, namely: I used a console with a form of tinder, which is semicircular periphery and covered with a domed top crust tough concentric folds, substantially lower side is flat, dark brown. I installed it with the flat side up so the opposite of how the tree grew. Dimensions: tinder the payment has length of 20 cm and 15 cm wide, tree on the left has height of 35 cm and at the right height is 20 cm (where it is caught in the tinder)
Rustic vase. In these two pictures I presented a rustic vase for decoration, made from a pinch of pine strips, hemp rope and polyvinyl acetate. The construction principle is quite simple, first time I made three plates in the shape of an isosceles triangle (for joining strips which I used after drying becomes colorless polyvinyl acetate) and then we assembled plates form a pyramid (I used for joining boards hemp rope). I used a shade of walnut lake. This work has been exhibited at the Gallery Traditional Art Cluj Napoca (Romanian Folk Art SRL SC) on the street Napoca, No.25.
In a treia poza am folosit o creanga, piatra si soara (pentru o sustinere mai buna a pietrei)
In ultima poza am folosit o bucata dintr-o creanga de brad si o piatra. Citatul folosit aici este:" Viata este o consumatie, unii consuma, altii se consuma".
In the 2nd picture I used a beech tree (I've put up the stem so it really is supported by branches of little tree make this statement because the first impression seems to be a root) and a thick stone 8 mm I wrote: "In life and in death, wasting years begging moments"
In the third picture I used a twig, stone and rope (for best supporting stone)
In the 4th I used two pieces of a branch of the hornbeam, stone and a basket. On he stone I wrote: "The secret of success: fall of 7 times, get up 8 times.
The last picture I used a piece of a pine bough and a stone. The quote used here is: "Life is consume, consume some, others are consumed
Peisaj rustic 1. In poza alaturata este prezentat un peisaj rustic ,materiale folosite la acest produs le-am explicat in postarile de mai jos dar nu am explicat cum am procedat la confectionarea acestui produs. Toate componentele peisajului le-am asamblat pe o margine de brad, si anume:
-masuta cu scaunele: aici a fost mai simplu, am taiat 5 bucati dint-o creanga pentru scaune care in realitate aceste scaune is denumite boci (termen popular) si se obtin dintr-un bustean de brad. Masuta ii taiata dintr-o crenga mai groasa decat cea folosita la scaunele.
- garduletul: acest gardulet cu nuiele nu prea se mai foloseste in zona mea, tocmai de aceea incerc sa pastrez traditia prin aceste peisaje incercand sa arat oamenilor farmecul acestui tip de gard. Stalpi ( la dimensiune normala is numiti stempti) garduletului i-am taiat dintr-o creanga de corn. Cornul este un arbust mijlociu spre mare, deciduu, sau mai rar un arbore mic, cu înălțimea între 5 și 12 metri, scoarța maro închis și crenguțe verzui. Frunzele sunt opuse, cu lungimea de 4-10 cm și cu lățimea de 2-4 cm, de formă ovoidală. Florile sunt mici (5-10 mm în diametru), cu patru petale galbene, adunate în grupuri de 10-25, și înfloresc înainte ca frunzele să apară. Fructele (denumite coarne) sunt drupe roșii, alungite, de 2 cm lungime și 1,5 cm în diametru, conținând o singură sămânță.
Pentru nuiele am folosit crengi de salcie pletoasa sau plangatoare, numele popular de "salcie" provine în limba română din latinescul salix. Ea se mai numeste si rachita, din nuielele de răchită (mai ales din răchita roșie Salix purpurea) se împletesc coșuri și papornițe. Pe malul drept al Prahovei, la km 128.5, se află o răchită (Salix fragilis L.) de aproximativ 200 de ani.Salcia conține salicina, o substanță asemănătoare acidului acetil salicilic care se găsește în aspirină. Lemnul de salcie este de calitate inferioară el neputând fi utilizat nici măcar ca lemn de foc din cauza faptului ca nu arde ci doar fumegă. Spre deosebire de genul înrudit populus (plopul), lemnul de salcie nu poate fi folosit la confecționarea bețelor de chibrituri.Tulpina, poate fi noduroasă, scoarța cu crăpături, înălțimea neatingând mai mult de 3-4 metri, dar la unele specii poate atinge până la 10-15 metri si aeriana.
Am dat gauri cu un burghiu pentru lemn , in care am montat stalpi lipindu-i cu aracet. Dupa uscarea aracetului am impletit crengile de salcie in jurul stalpilor.
-Fantana model cumpana: pentru stalpul cumpanii am folosit o creanga de corn care are o ramificatie, pentru balansare am folosit o creanga de corn subtire. Folosesc lemn de corn deoarece este printre cele mai rezistente lemne, chiar am si citit ca ii cea mai dura esenta de lemn din Europa. Isi datoreaza duritatea cresterii foarte lente, in straturi foarte subtiri, creste pe intreg teritoriul Europei, dar se pare ca in Romania e cel mai des intalnit
Pentru galeata si contragreutate am folosit doua bucati dintr-o creanga de brad.O bucata de creanga am cioplito pentru a semana cu o galeata.
-valaul: l-am confectionat dintr-o bucata de creanga de pin, am folosit acesta esenta ca este mai moale si se poate lucra mai usor. Adancitura am realizat-o cu un cutit bine ascutit si cu ajutotul uni firez. Valaul mai este denimit si: adapatoare, uluc, jgheab, laptoc, scoc, troaca.
-Tree: growing in mountainous areas in which the wind and because it increases in the shapes and have very high tensile strength compared with thick branches. He was cleared of bark with a small knife, peel's is quite difficult, because the bark does not have sap that is why other types of trees, sap bank almost there, perhaps because the environment in which they live , grows on earth in which there are few places on rocks. Another reason that it's hard to peel is because of its shape,its limbs are curved and presents all kinds of dimples. I mounted tree on the edge of the fir tree holes with a drill for wood with diameter approximately equal to the thickness strains little tree. And this product at all joints I used polyvinyl acetate which after drying becomes colorless, the polyvinyl acetate is very resistant to moisture.
-Table with chairs: it was easier, I cut five pieces of tooth-chairs a limb for these seats is actually named pipe (popular term) and are obtained from a log tree. Table I cut a branch thicker than the one used for seating.
- Fence: the fence with little straw is still used in my area, so just try to keep the tradition in these landscapes, trying to show people the charm of this type of fence. Poles (the normal size is called stempti) fence I cut a branch of the horn. Horn is a medium to large screw, deciduu, or more rarely a small tree, height between 5 and 12 m , bark brown and green twigs. The leaves are opposite, 4- 10 cm long and 2- 4 cm wide, ovoid shape. The flowers are small (5- 10 mm in diameter), with four yellow petals, gathered in groups of 10-25, and bloom before the leaves appear. Fruits (the horns) are red drupe, oblong, 2 cm long and 1.5 cm in diameter, containing a single seed.
For rods we used weeping and weeping willow branches, the popular name of " Willow " comes from the Latin Salix in Romanian. It is also called osier, osier rods (mostly red osier Salix purple) interweave paporniţe baskets. On the right bank of the Prahova, 128.5 km , is a willow (Salix fragilis L.) of approximately 200 years. Willow contains salicin, a substance similar to acetyl salicylic acid found in aspirin. Willow wood is of lower quality even it can not be used as firewood because it burns not only smokes. Unlike the related genus Populus (poplar), willow wood can be used to manufacture matches. The trunk sticks may be knotty, bark with cracks, reaching a height more than 3- 4 meters , but some species can reach up 10- 15 meters and air
I made holes with a drill for wood, in which I installed poles sticking up with polyvinyl acetate. After drying of polyvinyl acetate I braided willow branches around the pillars.
The well-sweep model: for pole of sweep I used a branch of the horn which has a branch for balance, I used a thin crescent branch. I use wood because corn is among the most resistant wood, and I even read that I take the timber in Europe . It owes its very slow growth toughness in thin layers, increases throughout Europe, but it seems that Romania is the most common
For bucket and counterweight I used two pieces of a branch of the tree I choped it to resemble a bucket.
-Balaam, I made a piece of pine branch, we used essentially as it is softer and can more easily work. I made a dent with a sharp knife and the help with saw join. Vala is denim: the trough, chute, chute, laptoc, gutter, trough.<
Poza Folk Art. Acest ornament l-am confectionat dintr-o iasca si trei copacei. Iasca are mai multe denumiri: in Transilvania este numita cpita, in Muntenia este numita babita si in Moldova este numita bacalie. Exista si iasca care se poate manca, doar ca la noi tara nu prea se consuma, insa la americani este foarte apreciata si este numita chicken of the wood. Acest tip de ciuperca de copac se numeste iasca galbena (Laetiporus sulphureus). In Europa de Vest e vândută ca delicatesă rară, iar în America mai este numit "Puiul pădurii" sau "Creierul copacului".
Picture decoration (ornaments) rustic. In this picture is given a country to manufacture craft items which I used a piece of a pine stem, two pieces of tooth-a pine bough and a stone pay thickness of 5 mm . The pine I use these materials was affected by a fire, after which dried up, falling to the ground. Pine (Pinus silvestris) is a resinous tree, conifer, who likes sunny places and growing not only in the mountainous region but also at lower altitudes. He leaves 6- 7 cm long needle shaped cones outside globular.In aspect, the pin is also remarkable deeper roots, making it more resistant to storms. I varnished wood with lacquer and walnut shade stone lake. Text written on the stone is a quote by Nicolae Iorga, namely: "In life, wasting years and begging to death
Rustic decoration picture. Manescu picture. For decoration I used it: a stone payment, tree, spruce and brush edge of different thicknesses. Are branches from a shrub called the horn and the wood very hard, with opposite leaves, with yellow flowers and edible red fruit, whose leaves is to be used in painting.
Poza suport Bianca. In poza de mai jos este prezentat un produs rustic de artizanat pe care l-am confectionat din 3 crengi de brad si o bucata dintr-o margina tot de brad. Bradul este un arbore din familia pinaceelor care crește în zona muntoasă, înalt până la 50 m, cu tulpina dreaptă, cu frunzele în formă de ace de culoare verde-închis, persistente, cu florile și semințele în conuri (Abies alba); cu lemn moale, elastic, folosit în scopuri ornamentale și industriale. Acest suport poate fi folosit ca suport pentru o lumanare, ca suport pentru un ghiveci de flori de marime medie sau ca suport pentru obiecte decorative de marime mica. Nuanta lacului este cea de cires, aplicat intr-un singur strat.

In aceasta poza ii un alt produs de artizanat confectionat dintr-o creanga ,noduri de brad care au fost scoase din scanduri uscate si o bucata de margina de fag.
In this picture I made another handicraft product in a branch, knots of fir that were removed from dried planks and a piece of beech edge
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